Sunday, June 23, 2024


                              Are we a Schadenfreude collective 

                          and the individual mocked props?

The thought came to me when I was snidely responding to a dismissive troll of my post. 

His avatar was a dinosaur. The tone of his expression showed the annoyed angst a 'Dino'                       would have had by the bright glare of the meteor-of-doom. His remarks seemed to echo                            to me how the dinosaur felt in its smug top-of-the-food chain-dominant-privilege.

So much about 'privilege', a topic for another day.

Victims say a popular handgun fires without anyone pulling the trigger                                                  -  The Washington Post

Getting back to the Schadenfreude-karma-caste we adorn and exist in...                                                        Is our choice more than the inherent consequences of the fallibility of our logic,                                         or is our logic a hard-wired genetic feature that as the saying goes, 'only needs                                         the supporting conditions to become the trigger that sends us on the bullet trajectory                                  of our conditioned and reinforced, now, predisposition.

I indict myself as a Camusian Meursault misanthrope with the general structured                                       cultural decorum that frictionally chafes my own envisionments of what serves                                        my vitality most optimally. I was in this default estrangement status for most of                                            my life-with a few  glorious exceptions-that went back to my first impressions                                           of my classmates in the half-day kindergarten class. What was a culture shock                                            to my emotional system, then, by the harsh crudeness of the kids of my classroom                                   has overtime been seen as the prescient prologue of my intuitive analysis of                                          how-people-are.  

As I muse on the zoological nature I'd apply to the personalities I've encountered,                                     I'd summarize that as either the socio-psychopathic individual ingenues or as a                                 species, in a collective mass, camouflaging their latent and closeted natures                                                in the mask of the many's enabling and reaffirming caste behavior.

Cassius's words to Brutus in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar ring true:
"Men at some time are masters of their fates," he says.
"The fault,  dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves,  that we are underlings.".

With that, people go off in their tribes-of-the-distinguished or their                                                        mindless-reactionary-herds, leaving to the most audacious of the sociopaths and                           psychopaths the levers of opportunism to manipulate-most likely for the worst
[another topic to be spoken of about the hubristic reliance on intellect, alone]                                               -the course and structure of human events.

In the meantime the "tribes-of-distinguishment" flatter themselves in the same equivalent                     false vanity with which the 'mindless-herds' in smug indifference satiate their                                          self-indulgence in the green-pastures of their "comfort and security".

All the while existence is recycled in this karmic 'Tom-foolery' to its individual dramas                             and collective dystopian ends of schadenfreude desserts. SHYTG01kkwLH0_Ig795xSlSa_MHNwGIp8/pub

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Schadenfreude served with a savoringly cold sweetness


                             Schadenfreude served with a savoringly cold sweetness

Defined as, 'pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune'. If the synchronicities that have been my informative and intervening companions of the people I've known or known about, then the schadenfreude-if it does come-will be particularly deserving and sweet for those individuals and groups who think they have the prerogative ways of thinking that will give them impunity from Time's consequences.

If one thing positive can be said about the Old Testament scriptures is that other than the religious overtones, people received their come-uppance from the fallacies of their arrogance and hubris. In that way, the Old Testament throws shade on the New Testament's derived ethos from Jesus of Nazareth's dictas.

Yes, failings of overwhelming circumstance should receive the consideration of compassion and mercy. Those acts done in a gratuitous and premeditated venality to inflict an insult or injury to a person or a concept are due the wrath of retribution that begs for its application.

These present times present a literal and figurative 'murderers row' of suspects that are individuals and syndicate groups of people world-wide. It's such an embarrassment of shaming riches, that a series of Noah could be resurrected subsequent to the 'Band of Angels of the Plains of Mamre and Sodom Gomorrah' to do a thorough Reset-Passover-Rapture purge and salvation.

The cynical reductionist hubris held by this world-wide rogue's gallery of fiends who've abandoned any empathetic or ethical discernment for the way-out-of-bounds-nature of their actions will face a rude awakening by geo-atmospheric, passionate uprisings, and-most notable-paranormal events that will implode their structures of order and authority that they believed to be exempt and insulated from any accountability.

That implosion will be so synchronistically organic that the schadenfreude and karma will be framed in biblical dimensions of apocalyptic catastrophes, such that the decimation of the dinosaurs will be its parallel equivalent.

Video version:

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Code of Grace

 Code of Grace

Priceless Grace | Radical In Christ

Video link:

After this past weekend's favorable serendipitous resolutions, I've come to this articulation. The 'code of grace' is an exhibition of behavior and thought that engages the energy resonance that's viscerally received from the environment for a general situation or a single or group of people. By being so engaged with the compelling to joyful resonance I encounter, I expand my perception and conception of the moment. That expansion makes me a greater conduit of reciprocal appreciation from the dynamics I have favorably patronized. As a conduit, the reciprocal appreciation gives gratuitous fortune and affirmation to me despite any concurrent conditions that would threaten negative, draining out comes for me.

The behavior exhibited would be the most incidental of transactions done as an altruistically friendly celebration in-and-of the moment with whatever is the tangible or intangible protagonist. The incidentals of it is the important integral, mundane and pedestrian process of a projected good will or rectitude with the protagonistic condition. As our actions confirm and affirm our verbal assertions, the close cohesion and coherence of the behavior with the verbal assertions projects an aura that is viscerally communicated in the atmospherics of the exchange.

The individual beneficiariness of this on a practical basis is the resolution of most any difficulty of which your own innocence is your bona fides. Abstractly, the verbal and behavioral practices' affirmations by unsolicited, fortuitous serendipities infers the presence of a sentient dimension whose intervention in the unfolding events of time is a random gratuity that's equivalent to a lucky die throw: even better than being 'better lucky than good', yet existing within a state of grace.

That state of grace requires no trappings, status, or title-only the most unpretentious acts of acceptance and projected good will.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

End of Racialisms-Satan's Devils Advocacy


End of Racialisms-Satan Advocacy

A proposition that the intent of our presence is more than the human history narrative. It is the Time using those incidentals to have a convocation of the cultures much like the Sufi parable, 'The Convocation of the Birds'. Unlike or corollary to the parable this is the 

state after the obstructive thoughts to the spiritual liberation achievement. That is 'the renouncing of the physical trappings for the intangible insight of ultimate, indistinguishable and inconsequential diversity. Meaning the indistinguishable variety of a meadow: seeing the whole than the particulars.

Yet in the particulars we see the hybridization of varieties. The random catch-as-it-happens, than a formally or informally obligated arranged end of ethnic segregation of incestuousness choices.  With the gene mixture is the mixture of attitudes of behavior. That mixture is an incidental expedience for the accommodation of necessary, as well as locale-obliged transactions, which leads to the coincidental social consequences. The overwhelming results not being known are because of the focus on the anecdotal shit-head acts that are the unions of support convenience. 

There are those who MAY be in the love-of-lust, most have come to the point of the convenience of the partnership. It's not as bad as it sounds for those who exist for the romance standards. They are together for the practical symbiotic support that's exchanged, despite whatever eye-rolling idiosyncrasies of form or style they have reached. That ethos is indirectly comprehended by their offspring. That kind of comprehension isn't one of a singular, You-are-or-aren't focus It's an acceptance of tolerable feasibility

This 'tolerable feasibility' has degenerative effects on rectitude or precise congruence to former standards-an anathema for traditionalist. That state of dynamism has an inherent flexibility of literal and figurative tolerance that a broader series of signals are added to the vernacular of the meaningful . [I'd be the one of the firsts to point out that degradation and undermining of former standards of identification to the point of their nullification]. The broadening of the vernacular signals of identification though diluting and minimizing the importance of the former honored and revered ethos is more functional with the present inter-cultural social dynamics. That state of dynamics may not be to the standards or going in the direction of its more racially chauvinistic critics, but the direction it's going is more adaptive to the tools of use of the age.

Those adaptive ends provide a better functional or better aesthetically functional culture? If tangible range of mechanics isn't as important as the depth of aesthetic identity then whatever lesser, immediate tangible gains that are forsaken should be seen as the necessary sacrifice. Any resentment for making such a lesser gain acceptance is a paradoxical inconsistency equal to 'wanting the cake and eating it, too!'.

On the contrasting side, should the incidental necessary ignorance that allows for the accessing a wider tangible resources and assets be akin to 'gaining the world and losing one's soul'. Or is it what quality of empathy one should have? Is it to artifices or should it be to the physical needs. There'd seem to be a marginal-to-ambiguous area where artifices become a repression, just as physical needs become an excessive indulgence. Which one best addresses the needed forms for the future, as well as the present would take a quite insightful seer to so discern and articulate.. 'Which bests serves the long-term needs from the point of view of the individual than from a third party', especially the collective viewpoint, would be for me the determinative liberational option.

Friday, November 25, 2022

From human bondage to human liberation



From Human Mental Bondage to Human Psychic Liberation 

A collection of eleven observation on human thought and will

Latter-Day edifices of our 'Towers of Babel'!ApTXEqdixzZIgWWmhgaHTOKiOFdI?e=poOB91 

Dissembling Denials 



    A Cultural Transactional Arrogance!ApTXEqdixzZIgWdHx-2tz8QDDWU2?e=laK1FF 


Migration and Cultural Preservation!AqsCEu7-HGH5ijaCb4UlKRyiOMyb?e=piftdJ 


Frontiers of the Apocalypse!AqsCEu7-HGH5ij06508O4FhaYk_r?e=md6PcL 

Not the Apocalypse, 

nor the Armageddon Disaster

but a

Consciousness Rapture!AqsCEu7-HGH5ij5A-KvUMeKyKolI?e=Uh9FXV


Phoenix Rising 

from the

Dystopian Ashes!AqsCEu7-HGH5ij8kslsNt-o5Dim5?e=3WMQhU


Transcendent Attitudes




Profane limited Sublime Thinking!AqsCEu7-HGH5ikFD8qpnVzwGTb6q?e=i0WYN9



Intense Memories Becoming 

Immortally  Immoral!AqsCEu7-HGH5ikIHcKlWaPP9S5uS?e=9kj4Jq


Getting out of the Rat-Race!AqsCEu7-HGH5ikO8wxOatLlPzP7B?e=cTfKSr