Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Under-appreciated necessary process

The Under-appreciated necessary process

Because the foreign policy of the United States and western countries have

 cynically disdained 

 or narratively over-hyped the democratic process 

 in regions where people have lived under despots 

 or are just emerging into democratic rule         ,

Failed-Failing States
 they are facing the ugly realities that are a consequence of that    .

ISIS             Boko Haram               

and their ilk in the Islamic world are an outgrowth of a political system that has prostituted their religious institutions     to breed an opiate of exclusive 

intolerance in moral thinking that has spilled over from the domestic repressions         on their  citizenry to a distorted jihad        on the wider world and its cultures

This is further aggravated by the self-indulgent Western culture's bourgeois expectation of 

entitlement     to have a freedom of secular business and cultural 

expressions that are viewed by the affected cultures as an imperialistic imposition    , per se,  despite any short-comings     in their culture

For the narrow self-interest of economic commerce to economic exploitation    , the western 'democracies' have aided or been accomplices to regimes that repressed their populations into a hopeless economic and cultural stagnation       . That stagnation has left those populations decades to millenia behind        the other world cultures in economic and cultural 'development'.

If a proactive process had been utilized the past would not be the haunting issue of today   

Today's issues with these cultures are options that are a very dangerous bitter pill to 

swallow, since the intermediate steps needed to reach the hopeful end have quite negative 

factors   that must be processed with toleration and aggressive   engagement to reach the hoped ends of the process.
The ISIS and the Boko Harams and their ilk present a challenge that can no longer be ignored or avoided because their effects were localized within borders    

and thus not having any urgent imperative for being addressed. We are past neglected ethics 

and morality and are at the existential threat to our long-term comforts and survival           .

The toxicity of the aforementioned groups is just the venom of time that has built up and now has a dangerous vector  for its broader communication. The
 present world order MUST coalesce for a comprehensive solution   or leave their own

Marshall type-plan
citizenry, previously insulated from the consequences of cynical and self-serving policy agendas, to the lethal danger      this new human toxin present to the 

world body

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Criminal Behavior as the #Asymetrical Free #Market - Classified Ad

When You consider the types of criminal behavior from drug transactions
to cyber-crimes, doesn't it make you think that people who haven't been
served by the  prosperity of the conventional 'free markets' have gone
into the sub-conventional markets using or selling their entrepreneurial
talents to those who would pay much better than the miserly wages that
don't meet a living standard without serious adversities? Crime and
criminals are asymmetrical for the economic that makes being such a
renegade free agent a better paying job, if not career...

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Monday, February 9, 2015

The game behind the cultural images - Classified Ad

Theirs the task at hand, and then there's the game that lives on those doing the task. And that game's intent and ends is never part of the narrative of the duty of the task. It's what's unspoken by the few for the few, to keep the many content and docile 

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Sublime encased within the most fallible profane - Classified Ad

It has been said, "THE ENEMY OF 'GOOD' IS 'BETTER'.. Look not for the crutch of the iconic, but the gem that bears witness of what could be iconic