Monday, September 29, 2014

Banking-Investment club Syndicates

WHO has an interest in combining with others in joint manual domestic and small commercial projects from FINANCES placed in collateral pools of conservatively indexed equity funds that have a better return than the bank's plus many equity funds. More importantly, being a tribe loan-investment underwriters of our collateral funds for soliciting local individuals and businesses and (also possibly) national/regional businesses . Profits based on the pro-rata deposits, after expenses. Minimum deposit, $50.00. (Hey, Johnny Williams, you needed something like this!)

An example: One of the 'partners' identifies a potential funding-investment opportunity. The partner brings back the specifics and cost to the members. The total need is $X-amount. The members MIGHT have the total covered or may have partial amounts of X to provide. Plus there is a participation minimum of $100 for this project. From our separate funding pools we may be able to provide the $100 each, but still fall short of the total $X's needed-even if some can fund more than $100. We still could go to the subject and give them a guarantee of what we can provide, so they can use that amount with a 3rd party lender as part of their guaranteed revenue. We, 'PARTNERS', would have our equity and whatever % negotiated with the subject as our total return, as our gross. In the event some of the members were not able to have the minimum entry fee, the other 'PARTNERS' would provide the sub-total for the willing-but-lacking Partner's participation, and receive their pro-rata share of his gross.

In this way we allow the total 'PARTNERSHIP' to be a part of this 'community' effort
Fiduciary agent to keep us honest will be determined by the club's collective member consensus.

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