The fallibilities of human kind cannot be
equated or conflated to the non-perfect processes of nature. Those
Nature processes are algorithmic, while human processes are the logic
of 'free and willful' premeditation! IN the fallacies of human
kind are the aggrandizing and passive aggressive characteristic of
dominance and submission, respectively, aided and abetted by by
sentimental biases given provincial and traditional cultural and social authority.
The result with human expressions becomes issues of
'moral urgency' camouflaging if not outright concealing the underlying
issues of dominance-submission, aggressions-accommodation based on the
situational relativity of the social or cultural sentiments of
dominance-submission, aggression-accommodation.
This is NOT the
characteristic or quality of Nature per se, which is an evolutionary symbiosis for the holistic system of Earth, NOT for the predominance of
any one specie or sub-group of a specie. Any hierarchy of a
'feeding-chain' is also an algorithmic probability of demand and
serendipitous supply. It is NOT planned hoarding and deprivation which
requires laws to maintain that status quo, which is not such a
fabricated phenomena in Nature.
I would assert that the variety of human personality characteristics and expressions is Nature
confounding the fabrications of the 'social order' so that individual
and groups can have their affective expression of dignity and resonance
with whom or what they choose away from the rigid hierarchies placed on
human expression. What is defamed as perversion, deviancy, or heresy,
yet defended as consensual and mutual reciprocation shows the different
longitudinal and latitudinal layers which human nature has contorted
itself to transcend the provincial and traditional proscriptions that
have sought to shackle and confine human expression to narrowly,
channeled agendas.
The different cultural, national, plus individual liberation movements-formal and informal- are a testament to
Nature's algorithm to seek the source of its energy and vitality despite
such cultural and social fabricating impositions.
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