Sunday, September 15, 2013

The calling of the spirited

The calling of the spirited

I and others, who had just come out of our state of suspension and were marveling at this post-carnal dimension which held all imaginable and incredible forms and creatures. It was like the back-lot of a movies studio with the actors and extras all in costume. These were NOT in costume. They were in the physical state of the time of their deaths. Several forms of these states were so shocking and hideous that all of us had to take a breath so not to faint or be unintentionally rude to these creatures who had also just arrived from what ever part of space and its dimensions they inhabited.

Once over the shock of the spectrum of diversity of creature forms, our instinctual curiosity of one another kicked-in. We began to approach others and be approached by others as we marveled at the forms of diversity with whom we could communicate, telepathically and even verbally through some 'magic' of translation. Since we were incorporeal as far as having physiological needs we quickly moved to the level of emotional needs. Being of a ghostly non-substance, we all soon realized that we had nothing to fear from the more aggressive and intimidating forms, since there was nothing tangible to lose by which or to which they could adversely affect. 

Once THAT was resolved, we all really got turned loose as we realized we had cognitive, if not  the tactile sensations. In the discovery and exploration of those sensations we encountered intriguing and alluring protagonists to engage. Similar to the person-to-person tantric experience or the internet sexting experiences we saw an increase in our 'mental'/cognitive faculties and abilities.

That's when it really began to get wild. Like when we went to our first
college mixer or wild house party. It was a free-for-ALL of licentious hedonism.. Talk about the Blue-Light-Special erupting in your brain! It was ecstasy from hetero-homo-hermaphro-etc sensual stimulations!!! There was, seemingly, nothing to care about since there were no TANGIBLE consequences.

Of course, in those moments, when you had to let your 'mind' get a rest from its orgiastic eruptions, mind's logic systems would provide ad-hoc  perspectives to what we had just been engaging. In those moment Mr-Ms Existential would ask, 'What is the meaning of all this and for all this'.. If we diverted ourselves from these festivities 'mechanics' to seek and ask questions, the usual replies would be, 'Who cares!', or 'You're over-thinking all this'. Like the proverb, 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth', we'd continue on in the revelry. 

But the seed was planted in one's cognition of our state. The germination process would eventually lead to a detaching and straying away from that corral of licentious thinking to other alternatives.. In sifting through those alternatives we'd come to an emotional crossroads. At the crossroads was a sign with symbols. I was uncomprehending of what the symbols meant so I had to wing-it, intuitively on which way to go. Like Yogi Berra said, 'When you come to a fork-in-the-road, take it!' So I did. 

Soon thereafter I encountered this '
thing-looking being' that called out to me, 'Junya!'. 
Whoa!!, in startlement I yelled out. 
'Forgive my forwardness, Junya, but would you want to 'return'?
'Return?', I said. 'Back to the revelry?'
'NO. Back to the dimension from which you came'
'Gee, I'm just beginning to like and explore THIS dimension.'

'It' gave me a sort of smile, as if it KNEW to the graphic detail what I had done and said, 'But YOU didn't stay, but wandered out here into this wilderness for you.'
'What was there for me to lose by doing so?'
'THAT's why I called you.'
'Ok. So what would I be doing back there?'
'Exactly what you have done here. Learn, Experience. Choose. By doing so, in total direct ignorance of this dimension, you'd be led to the next dimension of your consciousness' capability.'

I pondered that, knowing I'd be leaving delights of impunity, for which Sodom-Gomorrah did not get biblical tolerance.. Those supra-hetero orgasms were a nice convenience, since I no longer had the tactile right-hand fall-back of the past life.. 

'Geezzzz, 'You're' giving me a tough choice to chew on!'
'That's why you have been called, because You show a predisposition for making those tough emotional choices that go beyond your KNOWN comfort capabilities..'
'Ya can say that again... Oh by the way, what should I call you?' 
'What do you want or think you should call me??'
'Since being here, sex is irrelevant, so IF you don't mind can I call you 'Muckie'? '
'Then Muckie it is, Junya! What's your decision? Do you want to take this commission and to go back?'
'Geeze-Louise! Muckie, may I head back for one more 'QUICKIE'???'
'No,  Junya. This is that other Yogi-fork-in-the-Road!'

Marvelling at Muckie's omniscience of my own consciousness, I realized this WAS my FATE I had chosen. This is my DESTINY.

'Damn, Muckie. May I ask YOU a favor?'
'NO, Junya, I WON'T give you THAT quickie before sending you back!!!!'
'The things I get myself into for the cosmic and the existential!',  I grinned in a grimace as I winked and nodded to Muckie to send me on...

And here I am, six-plus decades out-in remembrance of it all!
 fund my last quickie 
before I go back!!

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